Time Management Tips
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Set goals

To make sure you’re engaging in activities that support your business goals, both short- and long-term, you need to define those goals in terms that are clear and attainable.

Prioritize wisely

Once you’ve set your goals and determined the individual tasks you need to complete to achieve them, place each task into one of the following buckets:

Plan your week

Cure procrastination by breaking down your weekly goals into daily tasks, so you only need a glance at this list while working.

Don’t multitask

If you have to decline a request in order to attend to what’s truly important and urgent, do not hesitate to do so. The same goes for any projects or activities that you’ve determined are headed nowhere: Be prepared to move on to more productive tasks.

Schedule relaxation time

Spend some time in quiet, and turn off your “work brain”. You will be surprised about the positive effects some quiet time can have on your creative processes.

Eliminate distractions

Start paying attention to the number of times someone interrupts you when you’re in the midst of an important task. Track self-induced interruptions, too, particularly those of the social media variety.

Learn to say No

If you have to decline a request in order to attend to what’s truly important and urgent, do not hesitate to do so. The same goes for any projects or activities that you’ve determined are headed nowhere: Be prepared to move on to more productive tasks. Learn from experience to avoid wasting time later on.

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