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Why It’s Important To Keep a Daily To-Do List Especially When Working From Home! Do you often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do? Do you find yourself missing deadlines? Or do you sometimes just forget to do something important, so that people have to chase you to get work done?...
Set goals To make sure you’re engaging in activities that support your business goals, both short- and long-term, you need to define those goals in terms that are clear and attainable. Prioritize wisely Once you’ve set your goals and determined the individual tasks you need to complete to achieve them, place each task into one of...
  In most jobs, technical skills alone are not enough to be truly effective. Increasing importance is being placed on soft skills – personal attributes that enable you to interact well with other people. Here is a list of eight soft skills that are becoming a must-have in order to succeed in your work life:...
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie   Teamwork is defined as „the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a...
  CSR refers to a company’s responsibility for its impact on society, this includes social, environmental and economic aspects. In practice, many companies use the terms CSR and sustainability interchangeably. For example, some companies have sustainability strategies and a sustainability report, while others have CSR strategies and a CSR report. Some companies invest in CSR...
  „The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon.”   Working abroad has become more and more common in recent years especially among young people that are becoming increasingly mobile. The globalization of the workplace is unstoppable. An...
German is one of the most valued languages in the world. German is on the top position in the worldwide economy which adds to its value. Furthermore, it is among the most extensively used languages of the internet, and it is a natal tongue of more than 95 million people across the globe. In addition...
  What is leadership? A simple definition is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company’s needs. While there are people who seem to be naturally endowed...